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Vaccination hysteria

Irrational fears fostered by Big Pharma,
Big Media and Congressional grandstanders

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Facebook pressured to block vaccination resisters

What's the proper reaction to a minor localized outbreak of measles?

If you're the State of Washington, you declare a State of Emergency.

If you're the New York Times the Washington Post, or NPR you whip up NATIONAL hysteria.

If you're Congress, you hold a hearing to attack the "Anti-Vax nuts."

How about some basic logic and a little science?

If the vaccines are safe, why did Congress did to make the makers legally immune from product liability claims?

If the vaccines are effective, then why not let the people who believe in their safety and effectiveness get them and thereby protect themselves.

Anyone who believes vaccines will make them safe should have nothing to worry about, right?

Uh, not quite.

Well over half the people who've come down with measles are people who've been vaccinated.

You can read the entire article here:

How the scare campaign works

The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading list

We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.