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Turmeric For Facial Care

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Glowing Skin For Pennies

Because turmeric has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and possibly downright magical properties, it can replace a whole cabinet of toxic, expensive skin care products, and out-perform them all.

This video shows how to do a turmeric and milk facial and explains the benefits. It also offers a little gem about how coconut oil and a dash of turmeric acts as a brilliant tinted moisturizer. Nobody will ever guess where that slight glow came from!

--Celia Farber

Celia Farber is an investigative science reporter and cultural journalist who has written for several magazines including Harper’s, Esquire, Rolling Stone, SPIN and more. She is the author of “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS” (Melville House Press/ Random House). Known for bold exposes of the pharmaceutical industry and related media cover ups, Celia Farber shines a spotlight on the very subjects that have been taboo for too long: What is Cancer? Does HIV cause AIDS? Do Vaccinations Cause Brain Damage? And many more...

Visit her website at

This video was produced by Tina Jones