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Common Sense Solutions - Starting Now

A hero of epic proportions

The scientist-truth teller Judy Mikovits

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Some people talk, others pay a terrible price

If you don't know this woman, what she did and the price, and the price she paid for telling the truth.

I've rarely heard anyone who addresses this topic with such clarity.

Thanks to the NaturalNews and the Health Ranger for documenting this story.

The claim that what Mikovits found was "only" contaminants and not a flaw in the vaccine's make-up is lludicrous.

The contaminants found, which even the whacko Big Pharma people don't dispute, were injected into the blood streams of countless patients. That alone should be cause for alarm and reform. Thanks to the Big Pharma controlled news media, it's neither.

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The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading list

We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.